Joe and Ross, from it’s inception, has always been and continues to be customer oriented. With the continued support of our corporate business partners, we strive to bring to you the most complete ice cream programs available. We are also on the constant lookout for new and exciting products to bring to our customers.
Our company is committed to a DSD program – Direct Store Delivery. Our sales drivers are experienced. Our trucks are built for distribution of ice cream products. We are there for you to help build the most complete ice cream program.
We have freezers available through Unilever, Mars and Nestle at no extra cost to you. Call or email us to see how you may qualify for our freezer program.
Marketing through our Partner Brands
We offer marketing and point of sale through our Branded Partners to enhance your ice cream business. We are here to assist you in making your ice cream section more visible to customers.
The majority of our branded partners products are Kosher. Please check the websites of our partner brands for the Kosher information.
Food Safety and Quality Systems
We have a Distribution Food Center Food Safety and Quality Systems program in place. Each year we are audited by Silliker, Inc. We are proud to say that we rank in the highest category on our Food Defense and Safety Programs.